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Parents/Carers are charged for care provided outside of the following free provision:

ï‚· Universal 15 hours free provision a week for all three to four-year-olds

ï‚· Extended 30 hours free provision a week for eligible three to four-year-olds

ï‚· Extended 30 hours free provision a week for children in foster care

Additional charges are as follows:

ï‚· £15 per additional morning or afternoon session

ï‚· £2.50 for lunch time supervision (11:45am – 12:20pm)

ï‚· A voluntary snack and consumables contribution:
- £1 for children who attend up to 3 sessions per week
- £2 for children who attend 3+sessions per week

For more information, please see our Pre-School Charging Policy:


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